

今日はミィの四十九日 Today is the 49th day since Mie's death. 戻ってきてほしいな I sincerely want you to come back.


おっ、黒八君 Oh, Kurohachi わざわざ通りまで出てきてくれたんだ You took the trouble to come out to pick me up. 黒八「車が出て行く」 Kurohachi:A car parked in the parking lot leaves. 黒八「お腹すいた!」 Kurohachi:I'm very hungry!! はいはい…


おっ、チャービー君、お久しぶり Oh,Charby,Ah,it's been a while since I last saw you.元気だった?How are you? チャービー「お腹空いた」 Charby:I'm hungry. ご飯あげますね。 I’ll give you some food.


今日は月命日 Today is the anniversary of Mie's passing. 今まで描いてきたミィの絵をアップします。 I'll upload some of the pictures I've drawn of him so far. 帰ってきてほしいな I want you to come back.


茶々丸君は本当によく食べる Chachamru eats really well.茶々丸「モグモグモグ」 Chachamaru:I'm eating now. 美味しそうに食べるねぇ You eat so deliciously. 茶々丸「だって、美味しいんだもん」 Chachamaru:Because this food is delicious.そんなに気…