黒八「なんかいい匂いがする」 Kurohachi:It smells nice from here. 黒八「クンクン」 Kurohachi:Sniff ドタッ Thump! 黒八「気持ちいい!!」 Kurohachi:I feel good!!
ミィが虹の橋を渡ってから早2ヶ月 It's already been two months since Mie passed away. 戻っておいで Mie,please come back.
いまだ仲良くない2匹 Kurihashi and Chachamaru still haven't gotten along. お互いに見えない位置であれば問題なく食べる As long as they are out of sight of each other,they eat without a problem. 早く仲良くなろうね You will become good friends…